School closings and mask requirements, all unnecessary responses to the China Virus, harmed tens of millions of schoolchildren nationwide. They were innocent victims of coercive fearmongering by government, educational institutions, and the media. Below, you'll find video reports from across Southern California where I was based during the pandemic. In our next section, Lockdown Lunacy, you'll find links to dozens of news articles and research on the devastating impact of the lockdowns on children's academic performance. In addition, Lockdown Lunacy reports on the adverse impact on jobs, businesses, and the physical and mental health of both children and adults.
Kids and parents in San Juan Capistrano, California rally against the state's decision to require masks for all students in school in the fall of 2021. The slogan for the rally, "Make Smiles Great Again," was a twist on a familiar campaign slogan.
Students in the Los Angeles public schools have been shut out of in-person instruction for more than a year. Various parent groups have been fighting for schools to re-open. This is a video report on the latest rally. It was held by the "Women of Watts."
The "Women of Watts" want their schools open for live, classroom instruction. The Los Angeles public schools have been closed for more than a year. Janice Lewis explains that her grandchildren are suffering with Zoom education. This is the second of four reports on protests organized by the Women of Watts.
At a Women of Watts rally in mid-March Cassandra Jones, a nurse and mother of two, says her daughters are falling behind because of virtual education. She wants the LA Public Schools open now for live, in-class instruction. This is the third of four reports on protests organized by the Women of Watts.
Parent groups in Los Angeles have been staging protests, demanding that the city's public schools be re-opened for live in-class instruction. This report, the fourth in our series, spotlights a rally by the Women of Watts. It features Berdadelle Watson whose son is a senior in high school.
School closures have had adverse consequences on students of all kinds, none more so, perhaps, than those with special needs. In this report we take a close look at the impact on two autistic children.
Imagine your young child being afraid of school because it's a place where they'll get the China Virus. That's what some kids believe and needlessly so. The country's public health officials have scared the hell out of kids and their parents — and for no good reason. In previous episodes we discussed the impact of school closings on disadvantaged minorities. This report focuses on three middle class moms.