Elon Musk was still in elementary school when I reported on doctors, defense contractors, and others cheating the Federal Government. My latest Stubstack features a Federal Corruption Flashback plus the challenge ahead for Musk's team.
Free enterprise builds prosperity. The United States has the world's largest, most dynamic economy because citizens are free to innovate and invest in great ideas that create jobs. It's private enterprise that makes America great, not the government, where politicians and bureaucrats hinder prosperity with onerous tax and regulatory policies. The less government intervention, the freer we are, the more prosperous we become. Or, to put it another way, Let's Roll America!
No country does great things like the USA. And while we face great challenges, NEVER Bet Against America, NEVER bet against the American People. And NEVER bet against Donald Trump who pulled off the greatest political comeback in American history.
President Trump tried draining the swamp during his first term but most of official Washington fought him. But there's reason to hope this time will be different.
I bring a 50-year perspective to personal finance issues. See Bio. What you get here, via my MoneyTips substack, is solid information about home buying, mortgages, credit cards, auto loans, insurance, inflation, the job market, and more. Some of the reports offer practical "how-to" advice. Others focus on larger economic trends and how they may apply to you.
This site also includes past reporting on the Freedom Fight led by America's truckers and their opposition to mask and vaccine mandates. You'll also find our reports on the devastating economic, emotional, mental, and educational impact of the government's disastrous Lockdown Lunacy policies that were imposed when the China Virus hit.
Nobody pays me to pitch products. Nobody tells me what to say. I don't have a financial incentive in any course of action I might suggest. I have a staff of one. Me. I have instant access to thousands of sources of information. At the same time, every statistic has a backstory. So, I look for weaknesses in data to ensure my reporting accurately portrays what's happening in the real world. In addition, I bring a healthy skepticism to the analysis offered by the so-called experts. If something doesn't ring true, I'll tell you. Real reporters are supposed to do that. On occasion, my wife Sophia and I pack the car and travel coast to coast to do what I love to do most — interview everyday Americans about the issues of the day. You can watch our video reports here at www.LetsRollAmerica.us and on our other websites: www.ThePoisonInOurSchools.com and www.SpygateTruths.com
We are supported by citizens like you. If you like what you see, hit the Donate button.
Nothing symbolized the fight for freedom and the end to the tyranny of mask and vaccine mandates more than the trucker's cross-country convoy that began in California in February 2022. My team covered the 2,500 mile journey, encountering thousands of flag-waving patriots. My reports, which you'll find in succeeding sections on this website, were then compiled into a documentary titled "The Spirit of America." It premiered on the Real America's Voice network at 12 noon on Memorial Day 2022. The program is now available for viewing 24/7. Watch.